The Burinkan Dojo (武林館道場)


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Empty-Hand Arts:

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  Hakka Kung Fu

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Hakka Boxing


Hakka Boxing practice consists of body development focused on a strong grip, strong bridge, and a stable, but mobile stance. Body coordination exercises have the practitioner practicing techniques to develop the optimal structure, flow, and devastating power. Skill development exercises help the practitioner learn to apply the strategies and tactics of the tradition against an opponent

All Hakka fighting traditions contain solo empty-handed and weapon forms as well as two-person forms and drills that are used to develop range, timing, toughness, and body coordination. Forms from Pak Mei, Lung Ying, and Tong Long are listed below.

Pak Mei Empty-Hand Forms
直步標指Jik Bou Biu JiStraight Step, Thrusting Fingers
十字扣打Sup Ji Kau DaCross Pattern Grasp and Hit
三門拳Saam MunThree Gates
鷹爪黏橋Ying Jow Nim KiuEagle Claw Sticky Bridge
四門八卦Sei Mun Baat GwaFour Doors, Eight Trigrams
地煞拳Dei Saat KuenGround Killing Form
九步推Gau Bou TueiNine Step Push
十八摩橋Saap Baat Mor KiuEighteen Grinding Bridges
猛虎出林Mang Fu Chuet LamFierce Tiger Exits Forest
五行摩橋Ng Hang Mor KiuFive Element Grinding Bridge
Lung Ying Empty-Hand Forms
十六動Sup Luk DongSixteen Movements
龍形拉勁Lai GingPulling Power
三通过桥Sam Tong Gwoh KiuThree Passes Thru the Bridge
龍形碎橋Soi KiuSmashing Bridge
迫步三通Bic Bo Sam TongPushing Step, Three Passes
龍形鷹爪Ying JowEagle Claw
龍形摩橋Lung Ying Mor KiuDragon Style Grinding Bridge
二人對柝Yi Yan Dui ChakTwo-Person Sparring Set
五馬歸糟Ng Ma Gwai ChouFive Horses Return to the Stable
化勁Fa GikNeutralizing Power
毒蛇吐氣Duk Se Tou HeiPoison Snake Spits Mist
梅花七路Moi Fa Chut LoPlum Flower, Seven Roads
Jook Lum Tong Long Forms
三步箭Sam Bo JinThree Step Arrow
三步箭對拆Sam Bo Jin Dui ChakThree Step Arrow Two-Person Sparring Set
五行Um HonFive Elements
十八點Sup Baat DimEighteen Points
Supplemental Forms
女拳Nuei KuenLady Form
軍練三門Gwan Lin Saam MunMilitary Drilling Three Gates
石獅拳Sek Si KuenMaster Sek Form
金剛拳Gam Gong KuenDiamond Form
五行拳Ng Hang KuenFive Element Form
Weapon Forms
五馬歸槽棍Ng Ma Gwai Chou GwanFive Horses Return to the Stable Staff
追魂柳葉雙刀Jeui Wan Lau Yip Seung DouChasing Ghosts, Willow-Leaf Double Swords
大陣棍Dai Jang GwunBattlefield Staff
仙花寶凳Sin Fa Bo DunImmortal Flower Treasure Bench
五行中欄棍Ng Hang Jung Laan GwanFive Element, Central Blocking Staff
回環雙枴Wui Waan Seung GwaaiContinuous Double Crutch (Tonfa)
三叉大扒Sam Cha Dai PaTrident/Big Fork
單刀Daan DaoSingle Saber
飛鳳雙刀Fei Fung Seung DaoFlying Phoenix Double Saber
纓槍Ying CheungTassle Spear
青龍劍Ging Long JianGreen Dragon Straight Sword
青龍偃月刀Ging Long Yim Yuet DaoGreen Dragon Crescent Moon Knife (Kwan Dao)
中欄棍Jung Lan GwanCenter Blocking Staff
八掛棍Bagua GwanEight Trigram Staff
蝴蝶刀Wu Dip DoButterfly Swords
二人拆棍Yi Yan Chak GwanTwo-Person Staff Sparring Set
左右單雙棍Jor Yau Daan Seung GwanLeft/Right Single and Double Ended Staff
黃龍穿心棍Wong Lung Choon Sum GwanYellow Dragon Piercing Heart Staff
Hakka TiuHakka Shoulder Pole
四門鋤頭Sei Mun Co TauFour Doors Hoe

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